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Zoran Čučković

I’m an archaeologist studying past landscapes and social memory. Landscapes comprise many things: rural and urban settlements, field systems, vegetation cover and geology, ritual places and monuments – and much more. My approach puts space before place, I study connections between sites across the space and all the possibilities offered by such space. I also study how ancient populations got to know their space, what they made of it, and how such space made them think about themselves.

I’ve obtained a PhD degree at the University of Burgundy Franche-Comté (France). Previously I worked as professional archaeologist in Croatia, and currently I’m a research associate at the University of Clermont-Auvergne (France).

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Web coordinates

Check LandscapeArchaeology.org, which deals with spatial analysis (GIS) and archaeology.

Other web coordinates:

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… a selection

Čučković, Z. (2023). Chapter 15. Visibility Networks. In T. Brughmans, B. J. Mills, J. Munson, M. A. Peeples (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research. Oxford University Press, pp.230-247. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198854265.013.13

Čučković, Z. (2017). Topophilia and the emergence of prehistoric sanctuaries: an example from Istria, Croatia. In J. Wilczek, A. Cannot, T. Le Cozanet, J. Remy (eds.) Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approches dans les recherches sur l’âge du Fer. / Interdisciplinarity and New Approaches in the Research of the Iron Age. Dissertationes archaeologicae Brunenses / Pragensesque, Supplementum IV. P. 181-185. doi: 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-8822-2017-31

Čučković, Z. (2017). Claiming the sea: Bronze Age fortified sites of the north-eastern Adriatic Sea (Cres and Lošinj islands, Croatia). World Archaeology vol 49, issue 4, pp. 526-546. doi: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1341331

Čučković, Z. (2016). Advanced viewshed analysis: a Quantum GIS plug-in for the analysis of visual landscapes. The Journal of Open Source Software 4(1). doi: 10.21105/joss.00032

Čučković, Z. (2015). Exploring intervisibility networks : a case study from Bronze and Iron Age Istria (Croatia and Slovenia). In F. Giligny, F. Djindjian, L. Costa, P. Moscati and S. Robert (eds.) CAA 2014 - 21st century Archeaology: concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Paris, April 2014: 469 - 478.

A full list of publications can be found on Humanities Commons page or on a separate page.

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QGIS projects

… and other techy stuff

This site covers my Github account, which hosts two actively maintained QGIS modules:

  • Visibility analysis module, which is widely used by GISers worldwide
  • Terrain Shading module, made for analytical terrain visualisation of elevation data (eg. Lidar derived)

You can explore the GitHub account here, although it’s not really exemplary…

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I’m reachable at contact( at )zoran-cuckovic.from.hr, or you can send me a message: